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鎧俠與 Western Digital 在日本四日市工廠合資新建快閃記憶體製造設施
初期生產將於 2022 年秋季開始
【2022 年 4 月 14 日東京及加州聖荷西訊】鎧俠株式會社與 Western Digital Corp. (NASDAQ: WDC) 已達成正式協議,將共同投資 Fab7 (Y7) 製造設施的第一階段,該設施將興建於鎧俠在日本三重縣領先業界的四日市工廠。在本次合資計畫中,待 Y7 第一階段建設完工,預計將於今年秋季開始初期生產。這代表著兩家公司 20 年以來的策略合資夥伴關係,又達成另一項重要里程碑。
鎧俠總裁暨執行長 Nobuo Hayasaka 表示:「我們很榮幸藉由本次對 Y7 的合資計畫,進一步鞏固與 Western Digital 的策略合作夥伴關係。社會的快速數位化,為記憶體產品的加速採用奠定基礎。我們將持續利用自身的技術合作夥伴關係和規模經濟,開發和生產尖端的半導體產品,進而實現有機式的企業成長。」
Western Digital 技術與策略總裁 Siva Sivaram 博士表示:「本次對 Y7 的合資,加強了我們與鎧俠富有成效且積極的夥伴關係,彰顯出我們在記憶體領域龐大的全球佔有率、記憶體和儲存裝置的持續重要性,以及我們對日本的多方面承諾。我們與鎧俠的策略合作夥伴關係促成領先技術的引進,同時擴大製造規模和研發能力。我們期待繼續共同推動長期成功。」
本次合資計畫為四日市工廠增加第六座快閃記憶體製造設施,鞏固其身為全球最大快閃記憶體製造場所的地位。Y7 設施的第一階段將生產 3D 快閃記憶體,包括 112 層、162 層以及未來的節點。
鎧俠和 Western Digital 將根據市場趨勢共同開發 3D 快閃記憶體和合資計畫,持續發揮最大的加乘效果,藉此增強各自的競爭力,進一步提升在儲存領域的領先地位。

鎧俠是記憶體解決方案的全球領導廠商,致力開發、生產和銷售快閃記憶體及固態硬碟 (SSD)。2017 年 4 月,其前身東芝記憶體從東芝株式會社獨立出來,該公司於 1987 年發明 NAND 快閃記憶體。鎧俠致力推出可為客戶帶來更多選擇並為社會創造更多價值的產品、服務和系統,期望能透過記憶體技術促進世界發展。鎧俠的創新 3D 快閃記憶體技術 BiCS FLASH™ 正在形塑高密度儲存應用的未來,包括先進的智慧型手機、電腦、SSD、汽車及資料中心。
關於 Western Digital
Western Digital 的使命是藉由利用資料的可能性,釋放資料的潛力。憑藉快閃記憶體和硬碟的特許經營權,以及背後先進的記憶體技術,我們成功開發突破性的創新成果和強大的資料儲存解決方案,讓這個世界的志向與抱負得以實現。我們認識到因應氣候變遷的緊迫性,將氣候議題視為核心價值觀,致力於實現科學基礎碳目標倡議 (Science Based Targets initiative) 之下,遠大的碳排放減少目標。請前往,深入瞭解有關 Western Digital 和 Western Digital®、SanDisk® 和 WD® 品牌的更多資訊
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws, including statements regarding expectations for demand trends; market conditions and opportunities; and the Company’s future financial and operational performance. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Material risks and uncertainties include: future responses to and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; volatility in global economic conditions; impact of business and market conditions; impact of competitive products and pricing; our development and introduction of products based on new technologies and expansion into new data storage markets; risks associated with cost saving initiatives, restructurings, acquisitions, divestitures, mergers, joint ventures and our strategic relationships; difficulties or delays in manufacturing or other supply chain disruptions; hiring and retention of key employees; our substantial level of debt and other financial obligations; changes to our relationships with key customers; disruptions in operations from cyberattacks or other system security risks; actions by competitors; risks associated with compliance with changing legal and regulatory requirements and the outcome of legal proceedings; and other risks and uncertainties listed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including the Company’s Form 10-K filed with the SEC on August 27, 2021, to which your attention is directed. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect new information or events, except as required by law.
Western Digital, the Western Digital logo, SanDisk and WD are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries.